HR Health Check

Offering an all round service to help you to achieve the best for your people and your organisation.

Training & Development
Contracts of Employment
Pay and reward
Performance management
You wouldn’t skip your MOT, so why would you skip your businesses HR Healthcheck? With the ever-changing landscapes that we operate in, it is essential that in order to remain both competitive and compliant, you have the fundamentals in place.

From basic legislative requirements to employee benefits and performance management, our HR Health check uses a series of detailed questions to audit and evaluate your current HR policies and procedures against key areas of UK Employment Legislation, including both current and upcoming.
Freelance Human Resources Cornwall
What does the HR Health Check look at?
The below is included plus much more … this can also be tailored to your needs! From this you will get a report highlighting what you are great at and what could change, giving you our recommendations

Book your FREE initial consultation

Experienced and here whenever you need us.
Your free initial consultation will last half an hour.